I achieved my MD in 2009. I graduated Boston University School of Medicine that year, was an intern at the University of Maryland in 2010, and then became a resident St. Joseph Mercy Family Medicine program for 2 years.
An asteroid barreled it’s way through my world. Multiple sclerosis turned my world upside down. I went from walking down hospital halls being addressed as doctor to being the patient who could barely shuffle down hallways with her IV pole.
A lot has happened in the nine years. The MD I worked so hard to obtain didn’t seem so relevant any more. I’ve spent more years being a patient than a doctor 😋
So after I was diagnosed, I stopped working and traveled as much as I could! I wanted to see and do everything I could before I ended up in a wheelchair. But I must say with each trip, things got harder and harder. Australia was embarrassing, I had incontinence issues and so many accidents. It got so bad that I had to wear a diaper.
The most recent trip to Cambodia was also bad. The day we were going to visit Angkor Wat, I could not move and get out of bed. After lots of meds and hydration, I was able to see the magnificent temple for a few hours before crawling back into bed.
Since Cambodia, I’ve been on a downward spiral. I walk with a cane and a device to help me with my foot drop. I am hoping that HSCT will help halt the progression of this horrible disease!