So my 100 Day Goal FAILED! But whatever, it took 11 missions before Neil Armstrong walked on the moon! That’s what I’m going to do too..well not exactly 😋 I’m going to WALK (just not on the moon).

man in astronaut suit
Photo by Pixabay on

I hereby introduce WOW Missions 

WOW stands for walking over wheels 

So on WOW 1 Mission-I accomplished neck strength, sitting up more straight, standing a few minutes with support 

Now it’s time for WOW 2 mission! Let’s see what I can accomplish in the next 100 days.

I will still continue working with the Neubie machine ( it’s supposed to somehow rewire the brain)-still have to read up on this and understand how it works. So I’m going to physical therapy twice a week. One with uplift strength center and the other with Ethos Human Performance. But most of my training will be with my 2 favorite people:

My husband and daughter will help me complete this goal!

Excited for the next 100 days! We’ll see what we can do 😀

12 thoughts on “WOW!

  1. I totally understand your mission and I wish you all luck and thst you are successful. My other half is in the same boat and is trying just like you.

    Keep going you can do it!!

  2. 💪💪💪👏👏👏 looking forward to the wow2 mission post in 100 days!!! 🙌 very proud of you!

  3. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! Hehe, i’m famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heheh now i am a subscriber! Yayayayaya hehe good job!!!

  4. You are amazing. Keep working towards those goals. We want to see you back in class.

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