And now the fun begins! On Jan 25 I was admitted to the Cleveland Clinic to have the BEAM chemotherapy regimen to get rid of my immune cells and then to have my stem cell transplant! Day 1– I was excited! Today I received carmustine. It wasn’t bad. However, I did find it interesting how …
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Month:January 2021
Making things normal
So when you’re going through a transplant, it is definitely causing craziness in your life, but you may fail to think about everyone around you 🤔What are they going through? It can’t be easy seeing someone you love suffer… Hehe in my opinion, it’s definitely harder to be the caretaker. As the one going through …
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Hair Fairy
So day 14 after my chemotherapy(cytoxan/cyclophosphamide) I started losing hair! I thought maybe my hair wouldn’t fall out, but that would be too good to be true 😋My scalp started being itchy and tender, and then my hair started falling out in clumps! My husband, daughter and I decided to make a game of it! …
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