Fortune Cookie

So my suitcase has been packed and ready to go for my adventure to Cleveland πŸ˜€

… for about 2 weeks now πŸ™

The problem? INSURANCE doesn’t seem to want to help me πŸ˜• 

Nov 4- paperwork was submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for approval of my stem cell transplant

Nov 13- they denied πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ it 

In the week of Nov 16- an expedited appeal was requested (cuz my MS seems to be getting worse day by day) Both the neurologist and the hematologist at Cleveland Clinic wrote letters on my behalf.

Nov 24- That appeal was also denied πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ 

So now there is one possible chance left- the external appeal…

This is where an external independent agency (the Michigan Department of insurance and financial services) decides my fate.

This whole process didn’t go as smoothly as I thought it would. I was scheduled for everything, so I thought there would be no problems!

I shouldn’t complain though because Cleveland Clinic is taking care of the whole insurance stuff, and I just have to sit and wait patiently by the phone. Things could be much worse πŸ˜‹

Now I’m once again waiting and banking on the fact that fortune cookies are accurate.

So after hearing the bad news, we got take out from a Chinese restaurant, and this is what my fortune cookie said:

Hopefully the fortune will come true! πŸ˜€

10 thoughts on “Fortune Cookie

  1. I think your fortune cookie is right. Aren’t they always? I’m sending good thoughts your way Veena. Btw, you pack light. I would have four more suitcases πŸ™‚.

    1. Haha thanks Sapna!! I somehow managed to stuff everything in that suitcase, but probably forgot a bunch of stuff πŸ˜‹

  2. Keeping you in my prayers. You have been a blessing to everyone you know. May God provide you everything you need.

  3. Praying it will all work out, Veena! It must be so frustrating. Glad it sounds like you have a good team of doctors rooting and advocating for your stem cell treatment.

    I feel like you’ve had fortune cookie predictions work out from take-out we got in Boston, so I think this is a good sign πŸ™‚

  4. Wow congrats so happy for u for the insurance approval be brave dear all the best for ur treatment God bless praying hard for ur struggle

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